Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Relative Negligence in Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accidents in PennsylvaniaNo matter how cut and dry and downright honest your claim may be, when it comes to a slip and fall, responsible parties are always looking to shed liability. The responsible party is always, and usually rightfully so, on the look-out for scammers. It might be a sad truth, but it’s a truth nonetheless that many people have attempted to attain fraudulent compensation for phony slip and fall accidents. Because of these “one rotten apple” sort of circumstances, the defendant in your case will most likely be looking to shift the majority of the blame over to you.

Modified Comparative Negligence

You can feel the need to blame the responsible party or corporation if you wish, but that does not change the laws. The fact is that law in Pennsylvania requires the states’ Modified Comparative Negligence rules to be enforced. This rule determines exactly how much compensation you may be eligible for by stringently deciding your percentage of fault in the accident.

It is vitally important that you understand all of the ins and outs of your specific case. Every slip and fall accident can vary, at least slightly, if not tremendously. The courts need to understand each and every detail of your specific suit in order to award the proper judgment. This might seem pretty simple, nevertheless, it is something that you need to be incredibly familiar with if you wish to pursue compensation for your slip and fall accident.

Regardless of the person or corporate entity, you are up against, the fact that he/she or they do not want to give away their money remains a common factor. You will need a lot of preparation, and being prepared for every facet of your claim to be analyzed will definitely not hurt you.

Understanding the Extent of Your Coverage

In an average slip and fall case, you might be searching to be compensated for several things beyond the personal injury itself. These are things such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property losses among other economic damages. A property loss in a slip and fall case might include something like damaged jewelry or device(s) as a result of the accident.

No matter what, the extent of your coverage is unlimited in the sense that you are completely not at-fault. The first and foremost thing to understand about your coverage is that in Pennsylvania, that coverage only extends if you are less than 50% responsible for the accident. It is tremendously important that you understand several factors in your case.

Be aware that the liable party will be looking to prove several things, all of which are specifically outlined in Pennsylvania Training for Health and Safety. Among the circumstances that the liable party will be looking to prove are things like trespassing, being distracted, inadequate footgear for the specific location, and caution signs such as cones and other brightly colored notices of dangerous territory. It is extremely crucial that you are familiar with these rules, and that your claim is a cut and dry case of negligence on behalf of the person and/or establishment of whom you are looking to recover damages.

At Edelstein, Martin & Nelson, we fully understand the stringent rules applied to slip and fall cases. We are terribly familiar with the need for innocent victims to prove their case against a system that may not trust their claims entirely. If you have a legitimate case for a slip and fall accident, please do not waste any time, and call 888-208-1810 now!




The post Relative Negligence in Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Accidents appeared first on Personal Injury Attorney Philadelphia.

1 comment:

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